Alternative Healthcare Options

At Nunes Partners, we offer a range of alternative healthcare options that can be combined to replace your traditional health insurance or added to an existing insurance plan. We use three main building blocks for our plans — medical cost sharing, direct primary care, and supplemental insurance.

Medical Cost Sharing

Medical cost sharing  allows you to share large medical bills with the other members of your health sharing community for a low monthly contribution.

Direct Primary Care

Direct primary care  is a subscription-based healthcare model that allows you to take care of 80-90% of your day-to-day medical costs at an affordable cash rate.

Supplemental Insurance

Lastly, supplemental insurance pays you directly for specific illnesses  and injuries, giving you extra cash to help with groceries, rent, or remaining medical bills.

Combining these three types of healthcare coverage allows us to provide plans that leave you financially protected and equipped to seek the best preventative and emergency care for any medical concern. Add dental and vision for a complete healthcare package that fits your budget and lifestyle.

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